My Guardian Angel - doh!!
I have been receiving Guidance from a guide called Leonidas for several years The Guidance was both for me personally and for humanity at large.
The other night I couldn't sleep so I sat up in bed and got out my pad and pencil and began to write ...The guidance flowed freely, and some of it was very relevant to my life at the moment. The the rest was what I term "Higher Guidance", which pertains to humanity as a whole.
The next day my daughter visited and I shared the writings with her. She became a little restless toward the end of the reading and as soon as I had finished she said to me " do you want to see Leonidas", and led me into the next room.
We were at my Angel Gallery which has hundreds of my angel paintings on the walls. She led me to a fairly recent painting which I really love and that has a really high vibration and said-" This is Leonidas, he spoke to me when you were reading his Guidance and wanted me to bring you in here to show him to you!" She asked what name had I given the painting? I looked for the tag with the details written on it, and it had fallen off onto the floor. I picked it up and read "Your Guardian Angel"!!
I had asked the Angel in the painting who he was when I completed the painting, and the message he had given me was I am Your Guardian Angel! I had failed to realize that he was actually telling Me that he was My Guardian Angel.and I had misunderstood! Doh!!
Leonidas 'painting now hangs in a special place in my bedroom and makes me feel very loved and protected. I feel much more connected to him and the Angelic Realms.